Editorial and Review Policies

Now and then, A Fine-Tooth Comb is asked to review a product, sometimes provided for free. Many review requests are turned down, often simply because I'm not interested enough in most things - quite the opposite, actually. If I do choose to review an item, it's only because I am already into it, or I find the discovery to be particularly compelling or intriguing. I do not, and will never, accept any products in return for a favorable review, nor payment. Most of the reviews on this site are written on items I purchased myself, though occasionally I will write on a product that is given to me if it meets the requirements above.

That being said, the first thing you should do when you read a free product review is understand that, despite all honorable intentions, getting a product for free fundamentally changes the lens through which it is perceived by the recipient. Therefore, I'd advise that you approach any free review you read, wherever it may be, with a healthy amount of skepticism and a low threshold to completely disregard it. As a rule, you should never trust a site with only hyperbolic and glowing things to say about about anything, and trust them even less if they have something to gain from it. The reason I trust the people and sites that I do is because they have a track record of giving their impression in as open and honest way as they can. I hope that this site can be included in the same club.

Some posts on this site are also accompanied by affiliate links or referral codes that generate a very small amount of money, of which I usually put back in short time to the procurement of new jawnz or the mending of the old.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me directly.


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